How does it work?
1. Simply choose a Somo Gift Certificate value from the options below, and add it to your shopping cart. Go to the checkout to complete your purchase.
2. At the checkout, you will be asked to provide your email address, the email address of the person receiving the gift ('the Giftee'), and you will have the option to provide a personalized message to the Giftee.
3. As soon as the payment has been processed, we will send an email to the Giftee, and copy you. This email will provide your personalized message, an image of the gift certificate with a unique gift certificate code, and instructions on how to use it.
4. The Giftee can go to browse the artworks in the gallery and get to know the artists via the artist pages, and add their favorite print(s) to their shopping cart.
5. At the checkout page, the Giftee will be prompted to input their shipping address and email, then the gift certificate code and the email address on the gift certificate. The total price of the order (print + shipping cost) will be reduced by the amount of the gift certificate, up to the total cost of the order.
6. The Giftee will then check out, and wait for their print to be delivered. Delivery time will be 1-3 weeks.
Note: If the total purchase price is less than the value of the gift certificate, the remaining value can be applied towards future purchases by using the same code. The gift certificate is valid for one year from the date that the gift certificate is purchased.
How does it look?